
The following is a list of the environment variables, their uses and their default values


Env NameAboutDefault value(s)Note
FRONTEND_URLURL for frontendlocalhost:3000N/A
DB_HOSTThe hostname of the databasedbdb is the service name in the docker-compose.yaml file
DB_PORTThe database port5432N/A
DB_NAMEDatabase namecdbN/A
DB_USERDatabase usernamepostgresN/A
DB_PASSWORDPassword for the databasepostgresN/A
REDIS_ADDRThe hostname and port of the RedisDBcaching:6379caching is the service name in the docker-compose.yaml file
REDIS_PASSThe password for the RedisDBpasswordThe password must also be changed in the docker-compose.yaml in the --requirepass field
REDIS_DBThe database to be selected when connected to Redis0N/A
ADMIN_USERNAMEUsername for adminadminN/A
ADMIN_EMAILEmail for admin accountadmin@email.comThis is a placeholder email. Please change it.
ADMIN_PASSWORDPassword for adminpasswordThe admin password will be hashed when inserted into the database
JWT_SECRETJWT Signing Secret2ofClubsN/A
COMPANY_NAMECompany Name2ofClubsN/A
COMPANY_LINKCompany Linkhttps://2ofClubs.appThis will be shown in the password reset email
COMPANY_LOGOCompany Logo will be shown in the password reset email
COMPANY_COPYRIGHTCompany CopyrightCopyright @ 2020 All rights reserved.This will be shown in the password reset email
EMAIL_BODY_SIGNATUREThe email body signatureFinding the perfect club for you!This will be shown in the password reset email
EMAIL_FROM_HEADERThe email from headerN/AThis field is for the credentials of the no-reply reset email
EMAIL_HOSTThe email hostN/AThis field is for the credentials of the no-reply reset email
EMAIL_PORTThe email portN/AThis field is for the credentials of the no-reply reset email
EMAIL_USERNAMEThe email username (i.e. the email itself)N/AThis field is for the credentials of the no-reply reset email
EMAIL_PASSWORDThe email passwordN/AThis field is for the credentials of the no-reply reset email


Env NameAboutDefault value(s)Note
POSTGRES_USERUsername for databasepostgresN/A
POSTGRES_PASSWORDPassword for databasepostgresN/A
POSTGRES_DBDatabase namecdbN/A


2ofClubs is under active development. This page is subject to change.

Last updated on by Chris Lim